I cannot find a social bookmarking soulmate so I decided to look for tags that are helpful to me. After searching various tags such as "game technology" and "game development", I decided to choose the technology subreddit because it has many useful links to my subject of interest. The forum contains resources and news on modern technologies, many of which are experimented by the game industry right now. Users of the forum puts up new content as frequently as every couple of hours so I have access to constantly updated information.
In addition to the contents that directly overlaps with my blog's topic, I can find things that give me ideas for me to expand the scope of my subject. For example, I get a better understanding of the current development of A.I. from this link: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/a-global-arms-race-to-create-a-superintelligent-ai-is-looming
Here's one about Valve's take on virtual reality: http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/vive-vr-valve-s-gabe-newell-says-zero-per-cent-of-people-feel-sick-after-use
And something I did not expect to find but thought about : http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150305-the-birth-of-3d-computer-graphics